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dynamically typed language造句

dynamically typed languageの例文  


  • Among dynamically typed languages, Python is moderately type-checked.
  • Almost all prototype-based systems are based on interpreted and dynamically typed languages.
  • Some dynamically typed languages such as Common Lisp allow optional type declarations for optimization for this reason.
  • But, is there any advantage when it comes down to running the programs of a dynamically typed language?
  • Unusually for a dynamically typed language, PHP supports type declarations on function parameters, which are enforced at runtime.
  • Since Python is a dynamically typed language, Python " values, " not variables, carry type.
  • This project was the reference implementation of JSR 292 ( " Supporting Dynamically Typed Languages on the Java Platform " ).
  • I understand that there is some advantages for developers to work with a dynamically typed language ( more flexibility, less details ).
  • Such containers are particularly useful when interacting with dynamically typed language environments in which all native values reside in such type-tagged containers.
  • Adding static typing to a dynamically typed language makes it more complicated; see KISS principle . talk ) 15 : 16, 5 June 2013 ( UTC)
  • It's difficult to see dynamically typed language in a sentence. 用dynamically typed language造句挺難的
  • However, because Python is a dynamically typed language, it was not always possible to tell which operation was being performed, which often led to subtle bugs.
  • They tend to be constructed by adding a static type system to an existing dynamically typed language without changing its semantics and usually keeping the syntax unchanged as well.
  • Lua is a dynamically typed language intended for use as an records can be represented using Lua's single native data structure, the table, which is essentially a heterogeneous associative array.
  • On the other hand, as a dynamically typed language Python is a specifically good fit for compiling code to JavaScript, actually a more natural fit than GWT's original Java-to-JavaScript approach.
  • By contrast, dynamic typing may allow compilers to run faster and interpreters to dynamically load new code, because changes to source code in dynamically typed languages may result in less checking to perform and less code to revisit.
  • At a time when most of the academic community was ignoring JavaScript and similar dynamic languages as  little scripting languages,  Franz and his student Andreas Gal researched how one would best tackle the specific features of a dynamically typed language in a just-in-time compiler.
  • Firstly, its static type system presents runtime type mismatches, and thus obviates runtime type and safety checks that burden the performance of dynamically typed languages, while still guaranteeing runtime safety, except when array bounds checking is turned off, or when some type-unsafe features like serialization are used.
  • Java 7 JVM implements " JSR 292 : Supporting Dynamically Typed Languages " on the Java Platform, a new feature which supports dynamically typed languages in the JVM . This feature is developed within the Da Vinci Machine project whose mission is to extend the JVM so that it supports languages other than Java.
  • Java 7 JVM implements " JSR 292 : Supporting Dynamically Typed Languages " on the Java Platform, a new feature which supports dynamically typed languages in the JVM . This feature is developed within the Da Vinci Machine project whose mission is to extend the JVM so that it supports languages other than Java.
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